Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Brickton Weekly, September 27, 2012

Volunteer Spotlight!
Our extracurricular activities have begun and the children are having so much fun!  We would like to extend a big thanks to Kristen Mull and Mary Disse for connecting the students with Lego Club, Joe Sommers and Jessica Casteel for drawing the students in during Art Club, and Molly Arnoldt, Agnes Guerra, and Diane Grassi for keeping the pace with Running Club.  And remember, it’s not too late to sign up for Art Club and Running Club!
And, thanks to Diane Grassi for her playground beautification and improvements.
Move-a-Thon Treasure Hunt!
Join Brickton parents and students on a real live Treasure Hunt!  Find hidden treasures along the walking path in the woods while you rack up your miles on Mov-a-thon form.   Don’t forget get your sponsors!
When: Fri, September 28, 3:15pm – 4:15pm
Where: Catherine Chevalier Woods
Olina Dolly put together an indoor treasure hunt for Thursday and Friday this week.  We paired the older classrooms to help the younger children.  Check out pictures in the slide show below.

Internet Safety Presentation, October 2, 5:00-6:00pm
Bring your upper elementary or middle school student to join us for an enlightening discussion about internet safety.  Care is available free of charge for those students in lower elementary and younger.

Manna is back!          
Our middle school students are managing the Manna program as a fundraiser again this year.  With Manna cards, you generate fundraising dollars for the middle school program and we split the generated revenue 50/50 with you and apply the amount towards your tuition bill next year, or you can donate all the revenue to the middle school program.
Manna orders are due this Friday, September 25th and cards can be picked up on Wednesday, October 3rd.  You can order online if you have placed a previous order or stop by the Business Office and talk to Dotty who can give you a paper copy or get you set-up to order online.  You can order cards for your regular grocery shopping, gas purchases, home improvement projects and movie going, or plan presents for birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings.  Manna offers cards for: Dominicks/Jewel, Home Depot/Menards, Sears, Dick's Sporting Goods, iTunes, Game Stop and many more.  Gas and hotel cards make travel plans a breeze.  Thanks for your participation in this great fund raiser!

Events Around Town:
Smithsonian Free Admission
In the spirit of Smithsonian Museums, who offer free admission everyday, Museum Day Live! is an annual event hosted by Smithsonian magazine in which participating museums across the country open their doors to anyone presenting a Museum Day Ticket...for free.
To see which museums are participating, use the drop down menu and select Illinois. 
When: Saturday, September 29, 2012
Where: Across Chicago

Circus in the Park
Features Chicago's Midnight Circus, a high-flying assortment of acrobats, aerialists, clowns, contortionists - and even a dog - that tour Chicago parks under a brand new purple and blue little big top.
When: September 29, 2012 - September 30, 2012
2 and 5 p.m. Saturday; 1 and 4 p.m. Sunday
Where: Independence Park District
  3945 N. Springfield Ave., Chicago
  (312) 742-7590
Cost: $15, free 3 and under
Good for: Family/All Ages

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Brickton Weekly, September 20, 2012

Block Party!

Last week’s block party was full of fun for the whole family.  From the tricycle races to face painting, good food to great dance moves, the evening was action packed.  We even had a visit from the Chicago Police Department who brought along two mounted police officers and a SWAT team.  This evening could not have happened with out the work of the Block Party Committee and the many volunteers who donated their time, energy, and wonderful food to the event.  Thanks to everyone who helped support this community wide event.  

Volunteer Spotlight
Thanks to Tara Lienenweber and Olina Dolly for helping make picture day a smooth process and a day filled with smiles. 

Parent Alliance Meeting September 24:
The next meeting of the Parent Alliance is scheduled for September 24th from 5:45-7:15 pm, at Brickton. Care will be provided free of charge. Come and see how you can get involved in the Parent Alliance!

Transition Breakfast 8:30-10:30 am
Explore global questions about the Montessori philosophy and Montessori education.
Meet and talk with parents currently in the next program and visit the classroom in action.
6-9 Transition Breakfast (for parents of rising 1st Graders) Tuesday, November 6th
9-12 Transition Breakfast (for parents of rising 4th Graders) Thursday, November 8th
Middle School Transition Breakfast (for parent of rising 7th Graders) Thursday, November 15th

Transition Night 5:30-7:30 pm
Meet the teachers and parents of current students. Learn about curriculum, assessment, goals and what a typical day looks like.  Meet alumni & alumni parents for their perspective on the transition to High School (Middle School only).
6-9 Transition Night (for parents of rising 1st graders) Thursday, January 17th
9-12 Transition Night (for parents of rising 4th graders) Tuesday, January 29th
Middle School Transition Night (for parents of rising 7th graders) Tuesday, February 5th

Some Quick Reminders:
Parent Conferences & Club Day - Friday, September 21 (Tomorrow)
Care is available during your conference time at no expense.  We also provide
care for the entire day for Full Day students and anyone who is pre-registered and pre-paid.  The cost for non-Full Day students is $50 for the entire day.  Please stop in the office or register by email to Kelly ( 
Move-a-Thon Bicycle Ride, Saturday, September 22nd
For all bicycle enthusiasts, please join Mark, Maggie and Andrew Treppa at the Chicago North Branch Trail for a jaunt to the Chicago Botanic Garden and lunch at the cafeteria.  The Treppas will leave from their house at (6670 N. Octavia) at 12:30 for a 1.5 – 2 hour ride (approximately 17 miles). Join the Treppas for as much or as little of the ride as you like.  
Internet Safety Presentation, October 2, 5:00-6:00pm
Bring your upper elementary or middle school student to join us for an enlightening discussion about internet safety.  Care is available free of charge for those students in lower elementary and younger.

Events Around Town:
Chicago Cultural Expo
Learn, Live and Embrace Chicago's cultural landscape! Connect with members of the Chicago Cultural Alliance and your community as Chicago museums and ethnic organizations come together for a great day of education, community building and multicultural expereince. See dance, live music, activities, info booths - even more ways to explore! September 21, 2012 - 6:00 pm
North Park University Gym
3205 W. Foster, Chicago

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Brickton Weekly, September 13, 2012

First…A Few Reminders
This Friday, September 14, is a busy day at Brickton.  Here are some events and times to remember:
  • Friday is Picture Day.  Bring your best smile.
  • Back to School Block Party 5:00pm - 7:30pm.  Don’t forget to check the Bulletin Board to see what you signed up to bring.  
  • Extracurricular Activities start after school with Sports Fun and the Running Club will help kick off the Mov-a-Thon.
  • Move-a-Thon Kick Off is 3:15-4:15.  Let’s meet in the parking lot and get moving! Click here to read our FAQs.  Get a sample letter to send to family and friends here, your pledge form here and your tracking sheet here.

Scholastic Book Club orders are due on Tuesday, September 18
Fliers and instructions to order books can be found in your parent folders.  Classrooms earn bonus points to order materials plus an extra $3.00 for every order placed online.
Scholastic Book Clubs are a convenient and affordable way to strengthen your child’s love for reading while supporting Brickton.  Every catalog has an exciting $1 book pick along with numerous books priced under $3.  Last year, Brickton received 247 free books as a result of parent ordering!

Club Day for Conferences
Friday, September 21, parent/teacher conferences will be held for all students, except Middle School.  Sign-up sheets will be outside your child’s classroom on the bulletin board.    

Middle School to Open Books
On Friday, September 21, the Middle School Program will be travelling to Open Books, an award-winning nonprofit social venture that provides literacy programs for Chicago youth.  They will participate in a 2-hour “Adventures in Creative Writing” experience where writing coaches work with students to develop their writing skills in meaningful and creative ways as a whole group, small group, and as individuals. At the end of the session, each student will share his or her polished work. Students will go home with a blank journal to continue to write, a free book from the award-winning bookstore, and will eventually receive published copies of the entire class's work, illustrated with photos of the day, to keep and share.  As always, families will be responsible for the cost of public transportation (about $5) and lunch money (about $10) to spend at Brett's Kitchen. Students can also bring a bagged lunch.
Move-a-Thon Opportunity
Bicycle Ride on Saturday, September 22 at 12:45pm
Please join Mark, Maggie and Andrew Treppa at the Chicago North Branch Trail on Milwaukee and Devon, Saturday, September 22, at 12:45pm.  Ride to the Chicago Botanical Gardens or as far as you want to go.  The Treppa’s will stop for lunch in the cafeteria at the Gardens before the return trip.   One-way from Milwaukee and Devon to the Gardens is approx. 17.5 miles, and takes 1.5 - 2 hours.  It’s a nice way to spend the afternoon and support the Move-a-Thon.  Hope to see you there!  Any questions, call Mark on his cell at 312-618-9444. 
Internet Safety Presentation, October 2, 5:00-6:00pm
Bring your upper elementary or middle school student to join us for an enlightening discussion about internet safety.  It’s a great way to begin or revisit the discussion about text messaging, social networking, skype and general internet safety guidelines for your family.  Care is available. RSVP to Kelly.  For more information about internet safety and the Illinois Attorney General’s Guidelines, read more here

Volunteer Spotlight
As a community, we could not function without the help of our many volunteers.  The weekly would like to express some appreciation to the individuals that help make the school such a special place.  This week we want to spotlight Parent Alliance Scholastic Committee:  Shashona Chau, Cindy Degand, Mary Disse, Tamara Kling and Lori Plier.  Thank you for encouraging a culture of reading and literacy here at Brickton with your efforts to make books more accessible to our families.  You hard work is much appreciated. 

Finally…A Big Thank You
Thanks to all of you who participated in the Facebook Target for School campaign.  We earned $200 for Brickton to spend at Target!  Don’t forget to friend us on Facebook, and let us know about any fundraising opportunities you might find.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Brickton Weekly, September 6, 2012

Welcome to the new school year! We’re happy to welcome new and familiar faces.  Keep reading to find out about the many exciting activities and events coming up in the next week. 

But First…A Big Thank You

Each year our school goes through a metamorphosis from summer camp to the start of a new school year.  This year proved no less of a challenge as we switched the classrooms for the Lower and Upper Elementary Programs.  As always, members of the Brickton community graciously volunteered their time, talents and lots of energy.  From moving classroom furniture to applying gallons of paint, we’d like to thank Diane Grassi, Blair and Elissa Sarkiss, Mike Messina, Kristin Mull, Janet Contursi, Tara Leinenweber, and Ivana Drazic Cunningham.  They did amazing work to beautify our school and ready the classrooms for our students.  Thank you for your tremendous efforts this summer.

Extracurricular Activities

Our line-up of extracurricular activities begins next week.  Contact Kelly McDermott ( to register. 
Sports Fun:  Skill drills and competitive play including soccer, kickball, team handball and noodlemania.  This class is for Elementary age students.
Running Club:  Run for the fun of it!  Students in Upper Elementary and Middle School will learn the basics of running, including stretching, pace and nutrition.
Art Club:  Hands-on art class for students in 1st – 8th grades.
Lego Club:  Club members will build amazing Lego structures working both individually and as a group.  This club is open to all Elementary age students.
Kinderdance:  Developmental dance and movement for children ages 3-5
Chess Scholars:  For beginner and experienced chess players ages 5+ 

Benefit Meeting

Get in on the fun of planning one of Brickton’s biggest fund raisers of the year.  On Thursday, September 13, join the committee to plan the annual Brickton benefit.  Contact Kelly McDermott ( for more info.

It’s time to kick-of our annual Movathon fundraiser.  Join us for our first group walk/run next Friday, September 14th .  We’ll meet in the parking lot at 3:15 and we’ll head over to Chatherine Chevalier Woods for our excursion, ending up back at Brickton for the Block Party.  Click here for FAQs on theMovathon.

Brickton’s Annual Back-to-School Block Party

Next Friday, on September 14, from 5 to 7:30pm, Brickton’s Parent Alliance is hosting our annual Block Party.  Come join in the fun with bouncy houses, games, tie dying shirts, face painting, food, music, dancing, and more! Volunteers are still needed.  Please sign up on the bulletin board in the main lobby to bring food, drink, tables, coolers or to help out with the event.  Look forward to seeing you there!

Picture Day

Friday September 14 is picture day for all students.  Bring your best smile!

Club Day

September 21 is a Club Day.  Care is available for all Full Day students and anyone who is pre-registered and pre-paid.  The cost for non-Full Day students is $50.  Please stop in the office or register by email to Kelly (    

Parent Alliance Meeting

The next meeting of the Parent Alliance is scheduled for September 24th from 5:45-7:15 pm, at Brickton.  Care will be provided free of charge.  Come and see how you can get involved in the Parent Alliance!