Friday, April 4, 2014

The Brickton Weekly, April 4, 2014

Getting to Know You: Each week this section will highlight one staff member and their answer to the question: How do you express your creativity?
Jackie Toro, After School Coordinator
I express my creativity through reading and acting out stories with the children. I enjoy their reaction and excitement when they see what books I'm going to be reading on line in the Afterschool Program. I've taken multiple children's literature classes and decided this is my passion. I've even created my own ABC book.
Joint ISACS/AMS Accreditation Visit Next Week
Next Monday through Wednesday, a team of educators will be visiting Brickton to take part in our school’s joint ISACS/AMS accreditation.  The team will be observing classrooms and speaking with the staff, the board of directors, the Parent Alliance, and some of our students.  The purpose of this visit is to validate the self-study completed in October 2013 as part of our re-accreditation process with ISACS and AMS. 
Thank You Corner
Dave Degand, father of James (Room 101) and Sarah (Room 105), spent a great deal of time installing ournew paper hanging system in the hallways to show student work.  Thanks, Dave. 
Free Money Fundraiser Update

This year we issued $636.91 in reimbursement credits to parents, for their percentage of the profit received from Manna Gift Card purchases.  The Middle School Class thanks everyone who participated in the Manna Gift Card program.  We still have 5 Manna order dates before the end of the school year (April 4 & 18, May 2, 16, 30).  Please consider stocking up on your, grocery and gas cards for the summer. The profit reimbursement for those purchases will be credited towards next year’s tuition in April 2015.
New Brickton Baby!
Justus Daniel Joseph (aka "Junior") was born on March 11th at 4:46am. He arrived at 8 lbs, 14 oz and was 20 inches long. He has been busy getting to know big brother Devin (Room 101) and big sister Serena (Room 107).
Brickton Bowling Bash
Join the Brickton community for a fun-filled afternoon of Cosmic Bowling!
Brunswick Zone - 7333 Milwaukee Avenue in Niles.
Saturday, April 26th, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
$15 per person - includes bowling, shoe rental and pizza lunch.
Tickets can be purchased in the main office.
Upcoming Events
In-School Celebration, Friday, April 4th, 8:30am, Upper Elementary Classroom
Manna Orders Due, Friday, April 4th
Pizza Lunch, Friday, April 4th
ISACS/AIMS Visit, Sunday, April 6th – Wednesday, April 9th
Hot Dog Lunch, Friday, April 11th
Board Meeting, Wednesday, April 16th, 7:00pm
Parent Appreciation Breakfast, Thursday, April 17th, 8:00-9:30am
School Closed, Friday, April 18th
Manna Orders Due, Friday, April 18th
Bowling Bash, Saturday, April 26th, 12:00pm, Brunswick Zone, Niles
Middle School In-School Celebration, Friday, May 2nd, 8:30am
Pizza Lunch, Friday, May 2nd
Manna Orders Due, Friday, May 2nd
Fine Arts Night, Thursday, May 8th, 7:00pm
Friends of Brickton Day and Art Expo, Friday, May 9th
Upper Elementary Cultural Fair, Friday, May 16th
Brickton 5K, Saturday, May 17th, 10:00am
Annual Board Meeting, Wednesday, May 21st, 7:00pm

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