Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Brickton Weekly, December 1, 2011

An Interview with one of Brickton’s Founding Members
25 years ago, when Brickton first opened its doors, it did so with the help and guidance of some very important people, the Founding Members.  Each month, we highlight a Founding Member as someone who made a significant impact on our school.  To them, we say thank you with appreciation for their courage and spirit.

cookies Brickton's Holiday Cookie Exchange!
Moms and Dads, please join us in the Great Room for an Old Fashioned Cookie Exchange!  Bring 3 to 4 dozen of your favorite homemade cookies, exchange them with friends, and leave with a fantastic cookie variety to enjoy!
Please bring a container to carry your cookies home in.
Tuesday, December 20th, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Please RSVP to

Scholastic Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair is this Monday, December 5, through Thursday, Decemberbooks 8.  In preparation for this Book Fair,  we are asking for volunteers to help set up on Saturday, December 3, at 1:00 PM.  It is not a huge job but requires as much help as possible.  With enough help, the work is over in about 45 minutes.  This is such a successful fund raiser for our Upper Elementary students, and it all begins with an inviting set up.  (Those of you who attend Breakfast With Santa are welcome to join us afterwards.) If you would like to volunteer, please email Erica ( or John ( in the 9-12 classroom.

Off to Nature’s Classroom
The Middle School students are headed off to Nature’s Classroom for a week. Nature’s Classroom Institute is a residential environmental education facility where students participate in a variety of activities along with students from other Montessori schools across the Midwest. It is an exciting opportunity for Brickton Montessori School students who attend Nature’s Classroom for one week each year in the 9-12 program and 2 weeks each year in the Middle School program.

Hannah Birdsall, our Children's House and Lower Elementary Spanish teacher, has resigned with her last day on Monday, November 28.  We are currently in the process of securing a replacement with a goal to hire someone to start when we return from Winter Break.  In the interim, we shall continue to expose the children to Spanish culture in our classroom environments.

Manna Orders Due Friday
Manna orders are due this Friday, December 2, with card pick up Wednesday, December 6.  Ordering is easy, online or through the business office, with the added benefit of a tuition credit on every card you purchase.  We'll have a final Manna order for 2011 next Friday, December 9, with card pickup the following Wednesday, December 13.  Thanks for your support of this important fundraiser!

Midwest Academic Talent Search
Congratulations to Brickton Students!
Each year, the Northwestern University’s Midwest Academic Talent SearchNorthwestern MATC (NUMATS) conducts an annual search for current fifth through eighth grade students who scored at or above the 90th percentile in specific math and/or verbal areas of a nationally normed achievement test.  The Brickton Montessori School students who are eligible to participate this year, based on tests administered in January, 2011 or past participation, are:
Class of 2015: Julia Deane, Simone Leinenweber
Class of 2014: Alex Contursi, Tayler Sain, Morgan Wolfe
Class of 2013: Sean Arnoldt, Kira Barrett, Joseph Ergastolo, Tyler Flechs
Class of 2012: Max Balster, Camden Cortes, Patrick Criel, Isabelle Rowland Weiss
Class of 2011: Mary Clare Frawley, Lily Goodman, Aidan Hardy, Susanne Wiecek
These students can elect to take an out-of-level test designed to provide more information about their math and/or verbal abilities.  They will receive certificates of recognition and a listing of summer and academic year programs designed especially for students with high verbal and/or math scores. Further information about this program can be found at

Kerry Pool Noodles Needed!
Kerry Santefort, our gym teacher, will be running a fun new extracurricular class and needs pool noodles! Do you have any left over from your summer vacation lying around? We need 8 more. Please bring in any pool noodles you have!

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