Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Brickton Weekly, December 8, 2011

Featured Blog
Each month we will feature a couple of blogs so that you can see what’s going on in other parts of the school. This week, we are featuring the Middle School Blog, which is written by the students! (password: brickton)
Middle School Program Blog Feature
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa was a success! We would like to thank all the crafters and bakers who donated to the event, Meredith Gregory (a Brickton alumnus!) who took photos, Joe Somers (Brickton parent) for his special lighting, and Christina Calderon and Sydney Delin (Brickton alumni!) for helping Santa. A VERY SPECIAL thank you to Santa for stopping by and taking pictures with all our Brickton students. Some photos from the event are displayed on the bulletin board and the slide show below, but if you would like to download a picture from the event, go to (you will need to use the password: brickton).

Did you miss a book at the Scholastic Book Fair?
Didn't get enough books at the Scholastic Book Fair?  Forgot to pick up that one favorite book for your student?  Rushed to school only to realize the fair had already closed for the day?  No worries!  We have a great new solutionbooks this year--The Scholastic Online Book Fair Extension Sale.  Visit between December 9th, through December 20th, to purchase additional books and items from our book fair.  Books will be delivered to the school after the Winter Break. A percentage of these sales, as well as the in-school book fair sales, fund Upper Elementary field trips and materials.  And we love to encourage reading by bringing so many different kinds of books to your families!
Don’t forget to check out the Classroom Wish Lists on the middle doors of the Great Room! Order these books online and donate them to your child’s classroom library.
Manna Orders Due Friday
Manna orders are due Friday, December 9, with card pick up next week.  Manna cards make holiday gift giving easy, and offer something for every age and interest.  Let your shopping benefit the Middle School and your tuition bill, and never pay a fee!
Order online or with hard copy at the business office.  Please contact with any questions, and thanks for your support.

Brickton's Holiday Cookie Exchange!
Moms and Dads, please join us in the Great Room for an Old Fashioned Cookie Exchange!  Bring 3 to 4 dozen of your favorite homemade cookies, exchange them with friends, and leave with a fantastic cookie variety to enjoy!
Please bring a container to carry your cookies home.
Tuesday, December 20th, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Please RSVP to
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, December 9th: Club Day/Conferences
Wednesday, December 21st: First Day of Winter Break
Thursday, January 5th: First Day back after Winter Break

Save the Date!
Brickton’s Annual Alumni Event will be Friday, January 6th, from 7 – 9 PM at Whirlyball Chicago (1880 W. Fullerton). All former students (ages 12 and up) and current 7th and 8th grade students are invited to attend. Please pass this message along to any Brickton alumni you know!
RSVP to Sara Gregory at 773-714-0646 or

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